Read the Label - ChimneySaver Water-Base
ChimneySaver® WB Water Repellent protects masonry chimneys against damage due to penetration by water and waterborne chemicals. ChimneySaver WB is not a surface coating. It penetrates 1/4" or more into treated surfaces and bonds with the surface to provide long lasting protection against water penetration, even at hairline cracks. ChimneySaver WB will not change or alter the color or appearance of compatible treated surfaces. Chimney WB becomes water repellent after 4-6 hours of exposure to ultraviolet light and atmospheric moisture and increases in strength for several weeks after treatment. It is 100% vapor permeable and allows water vapor produced during the combustion process to escape from the chimney.
SURFACE CONDITIONS: Surfaces to which ChimneySaver shall be applied must be free from dirt, dust, stains, efflorescence, coatings or other foreign materials which might interfere with penetration of water repellent. Repair loose or missing mortar joints and allow 72 hours for cure before application of water repellent. Repair and/or replace damaged masonry units. Allow new masonry and concrete to cure at least 28 days before applying water repellent.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Do not apply if standing water, ice, or frost are visible on surface to be treated. Do not proceed with application of ChimneySaver WB when temperature of surface, air and material is below 40° F or greater than 110° F, or when rain and/or temperatures below 40° F are predicted within 6 hours after application.
Vertical: Test small area of surface before starting general application to ensure desired results and coverage rates. Apply from bottom up using a low pressure sprayer (10-25 psi), or by roller with a minimum 3/8" nap. Flood surface until excess runs down 6 to 8 inches below spray or roller pattern. For maximum penetration and desired coverage rates, a wet on wet application is recommended; retreat within 3 to 5 minutes after initial application. A wet treated surface may be agitated with a soft bristle scrub brush to ensure more even distribution and greater penetration. Protect all adjacent glossy surfaces, paint films, windows, plant life, asphalt-based materials and all other non-targeted surfaces from overspray and rundown. Remove overspray from non-targeted surfaces immediately with soap and water. Apply to southern exposed areas during coolest part of day.
Horizontal: Apply a single flood coat using sufficient material so that the surface remains wet for a few minutes before final absorption occurs. If additional material is required to reach desired coverage rate, a wet on wet application can be used. Avoid puddling or ponding; brush or broom to spread material to more porous area. If applicable, block all drains and use absorptive coverings to contain runoff of excess material. Use soap and water to remove overspray as soon as possible.
Caution: Over application of material may cause darkening of surface.
Drying Time: To touch, or 2-6 hours depending of temperature and humidity.
Clean-up: Thoroughly rinse spray equipment with clean water. Wash roller with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly.
Storage and Disposal: Do not store below 32° F. Dispose of this container and any unused product in accordance with all federal, state and local regulations.
Helpful Tips: Protect surrounding vegetation. Wet leaves and greenery before and after application or cover with plastic. Asphaltic material may be damaged if soaked. Protect from run-off with drop cloths or other absorbent material. Most oil-based paints may be applied over ChimneySaver Water Repellent after a 24 hour drying period.
Caution: Accumulation of product on ladders, scaffolding, roofing, etc. may result in a slippery surface. Prevent overspray from accumulation. Clean surfaces as necessary.
Keep out of reach of children. Do not take internally.
FIRST AID: In case of contact: For eyes, immediately flush with water for 15 minutes. Call a physician. For skin, flush with water. Wash clothing before reuse. Breathing: remove to fresh air. Excessive exposure to vapors can cause irritation to nose and throat. If swallowed, call a physician immediately. For additional information, consult the SDS for this product available at
PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Respiratory protection, not generally required during normal use and handling. The need for respiratory protection should be evaluated if this material is sprayed in heated or poorly ventilated areas. The use of protective gloves and chemical splash goggles is recommended.
Spills and leaks: Small spill--soak up with absorbent material and scoop into drums. Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.
Coverage Guidelines: Actual coverages will vary due to porosity of surface materials but approximate coverage is 125 sq. ft. per gallon. Do not thin product.
Our recommendations for use of this product are based upon tests believed to be reliable. Since field conditions vary widely, the user must determine the suitability of the product for the particular use and specific method(s) of application. SaverSystems warrants that ChimneySaver WB Water Repellent will exhibit a water repellent effect on vertical surfaces for ten years from the date of application when properly applied by a professional contractor according to label instructions and if minimum application requirements are met. This warranty does not cover pre-existent flaking, spalling, abrading, faulty construction and/or other defects which might erode treated surfaces. If water repellent fails to perform as specified, SaverSystems will furnish, as the sole remedy, enough water repellent to correct the condition. This warranty does not include labor, or the cost of labor for the re-application of water repellent. SaverSystems shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages resulting from any breach of this warranty and fitness for use. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal right You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
VOC Content: 50 g/L | Non-photochemically reactive