Read the Label - FlashSeal

FlashSeal is a long-lasting flashing repair system designed to stop leaks from faulty or deteriorated flashings around chimneys, stacks and vents.


Surface Preparation: Clean surfaces to which product will be applied with stiff brush to remove any dust, dirt, or debris. Measure and cut enough reinforcement fabric to completely cover the repair. Work the lowest side of the chimney or vent first, overlapping reinforcement fabric as you would shingles.

1.) Stir product well.

2.) Apply approximately ⅛" of coating to the surface to be sealed. Make sure product fills all cracks and holes entirely and extends about one inch beyond where the edges of the pre-cut fabric will end.

3.) Using a brush, embed the pre-cut fabric into the first coat of FlashSeal. The FlashSeal should extend beyond the edges of the fabric and fill the holes in the fabric.

4.) Apply a liberal topcoat of FlashSeal making sure to completely cover the fabric and extend beyond the problem area about one inch.

Note: On hot days material may dry quickly. Work in 2-3 ft. sections. Use of duct tape or painters tape will produce clean edges and enhance appearance of repair.

Coverage: 1 gal. of FlashSeal covers approximately 28 square feet.

Clean-Up: Soap and water while product is still wet.

Caution: Do not use in cold, damp rainy weather or product may wash away. Allow at least 12 hours of dry, clear weather for proper curing. Apply at temperatures of 45°F and rising.


Respiratory protection is not generally required during normal use and handling. The use of protective gloves and chemical splash goggles is recommended. Wash thoroughly after handling. For additional information, consult the product data sheet and SDS for this product.


Keep out of reach of children. Respiratory protection is not generally required during normal use and handling. The use of protective gloves and chemical splash goggles is recommended. Wash thoroughly after handling. Close container after each use.

First Aid: If inhaled: In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical advice. Move the affected person away from the contaminated area and into the fresh air. Ensure fresh air breathing. Allow the victim to rest. If swallowed: Rinse mouth. Obtain emergency medical attention. Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by a physician.For skin contact: Remove affected clothing and wash all exposed skin area with mild soap and water, followed by warm water rinse. If skin irritation occurs, get medical advice/attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. For eye contact: Immediately flush eyes thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes. For additional information, consult the SDS for this product available at


SaverSystems warrants that FlashSeal, when used with reinforcement fabric, will remain intact and in place for 7 years from the date of application, when properly applied by a professional contractor to a residential flashing of a chimney, stack or vent system according to label instructions. This warranty does not cover spalling, abrading, faulty construction and/or other defects which might erode coated surfaces. If FlashSeal fails to perform as specified, SaverSystems will furnish without charge, enough FlashSeal to correct the condition as your sole remedy. This warranty does not include labor or cost of labor for the application of FlashSeal. SaverSystems shall not be liable for direct or incidental or consequential damages resulting from any breach of this warranty and fitness for use. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

VOC Content: <50 g/L